Monday, September 10, 2012


Wow. This is my 700th post. It hardly seems possible. It all started on August 19, 2009.

Wow. That first year I blogged everyday (or close to it). Now I blog when the urge hits. Or one of the girls does something fun. Or I can rat Scott out. Or the relatives do something that needs publishing. Or I do something unbelievable or, more likely, something dumb.

Wow. I find blogging cathartic. I find it creative. I find it freeing. I find it spiritual. I find it cozy. I find it empowering. I find it difficult. I find it challenging. I find it funny. I find it cleansing. I find it somewhere in my everyday, mundane at times, life.

Wow. Who knew the Roderick's were so entertaining. You haven't read nothing yet.


Addison walks downstairs this morning and looks at Scott. "Dad, don't get mad, ok"? This quote is never a good sign at the Roderick ranch.

Scott's calm reply, "Why"? "Well remember how I thought they never sent my car registration and all the computer craziness and all the searching through the house and all the scrambling and all the hoops we had to jump through? Well, good news, I found it". Sigh. About 3 months to late.

It seems that Addison cleans her room every quarter and this time out popped the lost registration that she was certain was never sent. The DMV messed up. I never saw it. What did you do with it?

Well, well, well. Welcome to being an adult, Addison, and your prize is the opportunity to take care of your own paperwork. No more stress for dad. Doesn't it feel great?

You will, however, always be a Roderick at heart.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


At a car dealership you usually need to provide the vin number for service to be rendered. Or so I'm told. It's on the registration that is carried in every car's glove compartment. Right.

I went in to order the damaged part, in this case a new seat belt, back seat drivers side, while Shae retrieved her registration. Easy, right. Apparently not.

Shae found all registrations except the current one. Remember, I was in ordering the part and Cephus was with Shae, who is now furious with her father for not keeping the registrations up to date (why is it his responsibility, huh). So needless to say, she has made a phone a not so calm call to dear old dad.

I know none of this communication until Cephus appears by my side in the parts department. "It is much safer in here" escapes his mouth. I have to chuckle as he relates the story to me.

Shae had to eat a little crow because, in fact, the current registration was in the compartment just not in the proper folder.

Welcome to the land of Roderick Ceph. Enjoy the ride.

Friday, September 7, 2012


My lower back aches and my knees make a crunching sound so I went to the doctor. After X-rays, two specialists and several visits to various medical facilities I was diagnosed with "once you reach 50 your body no longer reacts the same way as it did when you were in your 20's" and prescribed physical therapy. Shocking.

I had my first 2 sessions this week beginning with my back (apparently our insurance only covers one area at a time so I start on the knees in October).

I loved it! All that stretching and moving of muscles that have laid dormant for some time. It was like having my own personal trainer. A warm up on the bike, a little massage, a little workout and a little ice (I think I fell asleep during the ice). It is a slice of heaven.

I wonder if I can stretch this out a little longer? Pun intended. Oh the pain, the pain. It probably wouldn't work. I am smiling my whole hour.

Although, we Roderick's do know drama.