Monday, August 24, 2009


Today we're playing a game. I will share a story about one of our wee ones and you will have to guess which one it was about. Post your guesses in the comment section of the blog.

This little girl was in junior kindergarten at a Christian preschool. As in most Christian preschools, students are encouraged to memorize specific scriptures and passages. She memorized the Lord's Prayer with vim and vigor. Her father came home from work and she was very excited to share with him the great feat she had accomplished. With much pomp and circumstance she seated him on the couch and began her recitation: "Our Father, who art in heaven, Hollywood is you name".

During potty training, this gal was very stubborn. She did not like to stop and potty until the very last minute, which made it very hard to make it to the toilet in time. One lazy afternoon, while visiting Grandad and Grammy, she jumped up on her favorite living room chair. After a few moments, she announced she would be sitting in the chair for a long time. Scott realized she had piddled in the chair. She thought she was very tricky. Now every time we go to the grandparents, we encourage her to sit in that chair.

This little one did not enjoy pooping in the potty. She would run to a corner and squat down and make an odd little face. We, of course, knew the look and would run over and ask "what are you doing". She would reply in a desperate voice "go away, go away".

We would read to the girls when they were little almost every night. One daughter just didn't get into the books like the others. She would run around taking food orders during the reading time and then deliver what had been ordered. You would think she wouldn't have heard a word that was read, however she could tell you exactly what the story was about.

Sometimes, late at night, I lament the years that are gone and the daughters that have grown into young women. I love you.


  1. well see this is tough cause i didn't know them then. But ill try anyways. first i'd guess shae. Then addison, then hope, then kelsey? or hope and kelsey switched? i wanted to give it a try at least. If you wrote about them now, then it would be a different story haha.
    Until next time,
    The Fifth Sister (5thSis)
