Saturday, October 3, 2009


What a time was had . . . the cougar and her cub were on the prowl.

The road trip started on Friday, October 2, 2009 at 1:00p.  We got 5 minutes down Newland Ave. and had to turn around.  Shae forgot clean unmentionables.  We went back home, picked them up and tried again.

Now we were truly on our way, the 405 to the 101 and enjoying our time together.  Then we saw them.  The Camarillo Outlet stores.  The homing device that every Roderick girl has kicked in and we couldn't resist.  Shopping.  Nike, Coach, LaCoste, Betsy Johnson, American Apparel, Ugg.  So much fun and so little time.  Shae scored big.  Mom didn't score at all.  In Roderick world there will always be another store so there was no lamenting.

We jumped back in the car and drove into Santa Barbara and right to our hotel.  We checked in, went to Trader Joe's for supplies, had dinner, back to our room, showered, snuggled into bed and watched CSI:NY . . . Shae fell asleep at 8:30p.  There went my fun plans for the evening.  Oh well, I read and finally went to sleep.  Fun day #1 had ended.

Fun day #2 was beginning.  We got up at about 9:00a and discovered a Starbucks right in the neighborhood.  Imagine our glee.  We enjoyed a bite to eat and a fabulous cup of coffee and took off for UCSB.  Shae was not impressed and we didn't spend a lot of time there.  We strolled around campus, took some pictures, bought a sweatshirt at the campus bookstore and met the freeway again.

Montecito is gorgeous.  As we drove to Westmont I sensed Shae was hooked by the surrounding area.  We were enjoying our tour as I noticed something peculiar.  On campus for maybe 30 minutes and Shae had already captured several young men's attention.  It was interesting watching that scene play out, alas, that will be another blog entry.  After our tour, Shae again stopped at the bookstore to purchase a sweatshirt.

Our trip was nearing an end and we were driving home when the homing device kicked in once again.  Hmm, this was odd.  Boot Barn.  We had never experienced this temptation before.  We went in and came out with two brand spankin' new pairs of cowboy boots.  Gotta love shopping in agricultural California.

Our goal for our short trip was to check out colleges for Shae's future, but you can never deny a Roderick girl her need to shop.





1 comment:

  1. My BFF went to Westmont and I went to Goldenwest...enough said, I spent several weekends in Montecito....we both loved it! :)
