Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This week at Preschool VBS we are talking about Samuel and yesterday, of course, Samuel was born. I explained to the kids that babies can't do anything for themselves. Mommies and daddies have to do it all. They have to feed them. They have to carry them. They have to change poopy diapers. And babies cry all the time.

Today Samuel got a little bigger and went to live at the temple. We were discussing how Samuel was now a helper and could do more activities than he could when he was a baby.

Part of the lesson plan was to "accidently" spill two buckets of pompoms all over the carpet where the kids sit during story time, in essence spilling them all over the kids and making a huge mess. A very generous patron donated all the pompoms in muted colors of gray, browns and tans. It worked perfectly.

During the massive clean up, all the kids "helping", one little guy came up to me and said "Miss Cindy, I thought those guys were spilling Samuel's poop on us."

Ah, the concrete thinking of a child. Love it.

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