I am very concerned about the turn of events that this National election has produced. I am scared for the future of my girls. I am fearful for the lives of grandchildren to come. I am concerned about what my life is going to be like in 20 years. We have no huge investments. We have no retirement to speak of and we have no financial portfolio.
What we have is a work hard attitude and some family plans from both of our parents. We make choices that are uncommon. No smart phones. One car shared between Scott and I. We only eat out occasionally and rarely see movies. We don't take extreme vacations. I don't do the manis and pedis that used to be common for my grooming routine, not many eye brow threading or hair cuts. Scott would like to take many more sailing classes and I would love to spend more income on clothes and yarn. None of these luxuries are in our spending plan. Groceries, utilities, house payments, gas . . . those are priorities and they are strapping us down tight.
We say no to our girls more often than we would like. We want them to have a comfortable and happy life. No worries about how safe and secure the country they live in and love, but the reality is that it is not so. It is hard to say all these things to the young women that we love and cherish, but it is necessary to live within our means. We are trying to be responsible Americans.
President Obama does not share our views. He wants to take our pride and hard work and give it to those who are caught up in an American Dream that they did not earn. When the time comes for our parents to provide our living trust, how much of that will we truly see and more important how much will our kids enjoy. Not much I fear. It feels as if President Obama is robbing us of the expectations for over the years. Our parents worked hard and saved and made wise investment choices that they may never see because of the choice our president has made.
we have learned to say no to expenditures that are out of our reach. Why hasn't our leaders learned this simple concept. Our National debt is inconceivable. What is that teaching Americans?
I fear for our future and the only recourse I have is trust God be God. A difficult task for me I fear. The occasional Xanex does give me the confidence to keep trying and my prayer life as of late is flourishing.
Please pray for this Roderick. My spiritual journey is being tested and my family is watching and waiting to see how their wife and mother fares during this perceived adversity. I simply do not agree with the direction President Obama is taking this country that I am so truly proud to call my home.
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