Saturday, October 2, 2010


We were at Glen Ivy Spa. Me, Holly, Phyllis, Anne Marie, Donna, Sue and Kim. Just us gals. I don't know what I expected but let me tell you the mud was great.

We arrived around 10:30am and went straight to the locker room, changed, grabbed a towel and headed for the mud pool. You read right, pool full of runny mud. Or there was also an area with mist and a mound of thick mud you grabbed from and covered yourself red. Seriously.

So we start looking for lawn chairs for staking out our claim with towels. I found several and Anne Marie said "Not that one Cindy, it's all muddy." Okay. Wait. What. Yeah. Everything is muddy. Gotta love her.

Once we were covered red we went into this rock sauna, similar to a sweat lodge where people have been known to die. We are all sitting there with sweat pouring off of us. I know, it sounds really gross, and it is if you think about it, but we just wanted our skin to feel like a babies behind again. My bff's and I will do anything for beauty. We laughed so much I think we spent a bunch a calories . . . another plus for the day.

After the perspiration marathon, we all go back outside and start grooming one another, rubbing off all that red clay. It was like a sand blaster came through and revved up for a big job. Red dust everywhere.

Then came the relaxing shower with Glen Ivy products that smelled delightful. We did shower separatly. We have our dignity to guard.

So fun. If you've never experienced this, just do it.

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