Monday, December 6, 2010


Yesterday Addison and Shae came barging into the Treehouse. I couldn't imagine what was going on and fortunately I was not on the platform. It was Dandy Don's Christmas Variety Hour weekend and I was free of responsibility.

Addison was frantic because she could not pee. She said her bladder was full but only drips were slipping out and she felt as if she had to go urgently. She was pale and in obvious pain. I went with her to the bathroom, turned on the facets and encouraged her to try again. Nothing. I sent her home to take her pain meds and Scott promptly called the doctor. Hmm. No fever and the pain was in her bladder so he said keep trying to pee and call him in the morning. Creative medical advice.

We spent the afternoon pacing and waiting to see what the next step would be and sure enough we were not through with this journey. Addison kept moving and trying to empty her bladder and kept getting, to say the least, little trickels of urine.

It was close to 8:00pm when Addison screamed out my name and I went bounding up the stairs. Yep. Her stone had finally arrived and she captured it with her little strainer as she peed a healthy, steady stream. It was about 4mm long and about the diameter of a fork tine and very jagged. We put it in a jar and will deliver it to the lab soon. She has taken pictures and has been sharing the story everywhere. It has been quite the adventure for her and the family.

I wonder what it will be like when she delivers her first baby.

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