Monday, March 14, 2011


You will understand what I am talking about if you have ever stayed in a hotel with a room mate. Every sound you make at home is intensified in the close living quarters of your small temporary home.

That is why I told Cherylynn not to be offended by any strange noise seeping under the bathroom door. Kim & Holly were visiting and I told them as well. I will be frank. I needed to drop a duce big time and explained the situation to them. They were totally understanding as I closed the door.

As I plopped down onto the majestic throne to begin the process I heard guffaws coming from the other room. I heard the small voice of Holly say "She dropped it." I was mortified.

I emerged with a reddened face and explained that I had, indeed, warned them. They looked at me with innocent eyes. "I heard Holly" I said. They burst out laughing. I was not amused.

Apparently it had nothing to do with me. Kim dropped a sheet of the book she was putting together and Holly simply drew her attention to that fact.

You see. Pure Roderick.

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