Friday, June 22, 2012


Scott, Kelsey, Tim and I are walking through Pike's in downtown Seattle on a balmy Saturday afternoon. Aromas are thick in the air, a combination of seafood, sugar and floral notes. I am not walking at my normal quick pace but rather a slow meditative saunter so that I may enjoy the assault on my senses.

We make our way towards Pioneer Square and leisurely pass The Four Seasons Hotel. A gentleman in a white tux hurries by us, undoubtedly late for an event. Scott stares at him and leans in towards me and says "I know that guy. He is famous. I've seen him on TV. He looks a little older but still . . . who is he?" I too, thought he looked familiar but was unable to place him. Kelsey and Tim had no clue or even a guess at who the guy was so we kept walking past the many sights Seattle has to offer.

Marvin Hamlisch. That's who it was and Scott was the one who finally remembered, several hours later.

I love seeing famous people.

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