Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Throw down a challenge and I will generally meet it, most of the time, some of the time, well, this time I did.

It was UGSFAW (Ultimate Gnarly Super Fantastic Awesome Week) and I was Captain of the Blue Team. We did everything blue and the other teams did everything red, orange and green.

So someone from the stage crew challenged all team captains to dye their own hair their team color. It couldn't be that bad, right? So I went out that afternoon and hit a local beauty supply store and bought bright blue temporary hair dye. Still not bad, right? Next step in my own bathroom sink I dye my own hair. I was blonde and it was blue, really blue, I can't tell you how blue it was. I was so thankful it was temporary.

Fast forward to the next day when I unveil my artfully tinted hair. I run down the aisle cheering on my blue team and all the sweet cherubs on it.

I am not lying as I share this disturbing story of trickery. The other captains had not dyed their hair at all, no, no, no. The bought the colored hairspray, allowing for one day removal. I apparently wasn't as intelligent as my competition. That will not happen again I assure you. I will have my revenge some day and you won't know where, when, how, or what. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

It took 6 weeks for my hair to be a normal color again.

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