Friday, March 19, 2010


Do ya feel he love?

We did our annual class on how to teach your kids about sex. That's right, I said S-E-X. We had almost 80 parents of all ages craving some semblance of information, books, suggestions, support. We gave them what we had and apparently it was just what they wanted and needed. Many positive comments were hurled our way as well as questions that we are going to have to further research. God has blessed Scott and I with no shame, embarrassment or restraint and we tell it straight up. Everyone knows a Roderick loves to be up front talking to whomever will listen.

It was the fifth and final week of our annual "Like a Kiss on the Lips" class, an overview of the Song of Songs, and we opened it up to all parents. We love leading these classes and believe us, we have a lot of stories to tell and mistakes to share.

It is such a riot to watch people come into this class. You have the ones who arrive early so they can score the best seats. The ones who arrive with just enough time to go grab a soda. The ones who are straight up on time, pens in hand and notebooks open. The ones who are sneaking in so no one knows that they are looking for help in such an intimidating topic. The ones who are being dragged in by their spouse. The ones who come alone while the other stays home with the kids. All kinds of faces, but all looking very fearful and very tentative. A few staring back at us anxiously waiting to get the show on the road.

Now they have the crucial information. They are ready. They can do it! God loves them and knows they can do this. We know they can tell their kids about God's plan for them.

Ready, set, go. The Roderick's are praying for you!

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