Monday, August 8, 2011


Scott TiVo's the Dr. Oz show everyday. I don't like it. It's depressing. It makes me feel worse. It makes me hungry. I start becoming aware of pains I've never had before. I start having symptoms of all kinds of horrible diseases and ailments. For me, ignorance is bliss.

I take pretty good care of myself. I see my doctor annually. I do mammograms, bone density tests, blood tests, blood pressure. I did the colonoscopy. I try to eat well. I do. I just don't want someone to tell me about it everyday.

I will admit I am about 30 pounds over my ideal weight. So what? I try to walk 3 times a week, although summer is hard because of the crazy work schedule. I try to do yoga, some strength training and some occasional fun things like kayaking and shopping. I walk a lot when I shop. Seriously, I do.

Now that I've written this post I am feeling a little down. I'm going to have a bowl of ice cream. Hello, Roderick.

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