Monday, September 7, 2009


We have finally done it.  I didn't think it would happen, but it did on Labor Day.  We cleaned out our extremely cluttered garage.  You can imagine what it looked like if you have peeked at Scott's desk at church.  No further explanation necessary.

It is interesting the stuff that was found.  Old record albums from way back, pictures of the girls when they were little, soccer cleats that were outgrown, dorm stuff that was left behind, aluminum cans waiting to be recycled, dry wall from our remodel and memories that surfaced with each item discovered. 

Dazzling artifacts sparked conversations from the past, arguments exploded about who was working harder, instructions were barked by our commander and discussions erupted over what should be tossed, moved, kept, donated or garage sale(d).  Organized chaos seems an adequate description.

I have to admit I have a difficult time deciding what to keep because I have a serious emotional attachment to everything out there.  It feels like a skilled surgeon is removing a part of my past that I will never regain.  

So I let Scott and the girls make most of the decisions and I go out now and then to check if there is anything of value leaving the house.  Should I see something, I pluck it from the pile and stow it away in my keepsake closet in our guest room.  Thankfully the family rarely looks in that closet so my secret is safe.

I have several collections that no one is to ever touch for the consequences would be severe.  PEZ, Beanie Babies, Fisher Price Little People, Starbucks Cards . . . just to name a few, oh, and yarn.  I love to have a variety of several different fibers, in case I need to knit something up real quick.  

Now you understand why we have put off cleaning out the garage . . .

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