Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Nap time at the Roderick's was a blessed event.  It was the time when I could get all my house hold chores complete and maybe even enjoy a cup of much appreciated tea.  I was fortunate to have three really good nappers.  Bet you can guess who the one hold out was.

I had a monitor in Kelsey's nursery and turned it on when I put her down for sleepy time.  She was usually good for two or three hours of sleep and then a good half hour for playing and talking to herself as she peacefully awoke.  I loved just listening to her coos and baby noises while I finished up my responsibilities.  I tended to peek in the bedroom door and watch before I burst in and got them up. 

This day was no different.  I peeked in and saw that something was not quite right.  There were marks all over the crib and the wall.  What is that?  As I examined the area more closely I noticed Kelsey had similar marks all over her.  I wondered how did she get a hold of a marker in her crib and how did she get the lid off.  As I slowly opened the door, she saw me and held up her finger to show me the substance that was on it.  Horror of horrors . . . she had stuck her finger in her dirty diaper and was painting everything with poo!  I was mortified.  It was everywhere . . . all over her face, in her hair, on her sheets, on the walls, on her crib, on her clothes.

I grabbed her and took her straight to the bath.  She was the first priority after all.  I brushed her teeth, washed her hair and scrubbed every inch of her little body.  She smelled, once again, like a baby should.

Then I tackled the bedroom.  It took me hours to get the room sanitized and up to snuff.  Lysol, clorox and baking soda were my weapons of choice.

Just another day with a Roderick baby.

1 comment:

  1. lovely...

    i was so scared of this happening when the girls were little, i never let them sleep in just a diaper...i have always put them in pj's so it would be more of a challenge. and we were successful.

    curtis on the other hand....

