Scott was still not feeling well. As a matter of fact, he hadn't felt well all week and I had taken him the doctor several times with no diagnosis. I hesitated to leave Shae with him while I ran to my OB appointment, but what choice did I have?
Weighed and wait was the usual routine and that day was no different. Dr. Binet came in, looked at my chart and with a concerned nod asked "What is going on? You've lost 7 pounds a week before your delivery date." I explained to him about Scott and he looked up over his glasses and told me not to loose anymore and continued with my exam.
I went home, fatigued, worried about the baby and Scott and just tired of being pregnant. I was ready to have this baby.
About 3:00p I started timing the contractions and the neighborhood had bets on who would drive to the hospital, me or Scott. Scott ended up driving and we arrived at about 5:00p.
Now Scott was still in bad shape. He had lost 15 pounds over the last several days and his doctor was also concerned, but this was about me and the baby so he was by my side, sick or not. That, however, was all he was, by my side. No help whatsoever.
Dr. Binet came in and said "You look terrible" as he glanced over at Scott. Scott just grimaced. I asked the doctor if it was safe for him to be here for the birth and he seemed ok with it, so I let Scott stay.
Hope was born. Scott cut the cord. Said "good by" to me, and looked at Hope. Then he went home to get some much needed rest.
She was perfect. Twenty-one inches long, 7lbs. 7ozs, and dazzling. Angie, my good friend, brought the girls up to see her and they were awed and loved her immediately. My mom would fly in tomorrow morning. I cuddled my baby girl for hours and dozed off and on all night. I was scheduled for a tubal ligation in the morning, but a solid sleep alluded me.
Scott did not arrive in time to see me off to surgery. I was very put out with him. He prayed with every other hospitalized person at church and missed his own wife's send off. Needless to say, I was no longer sympathetic to his plight. I came back to my room from surgery to find a note on my pillow. SCOTT IN ER. What?
What? He had woken that morning and was worse and had gone to ER as soon as he got to the hospital. What is going on?
His doctor finally called me and said the following "We have admitted Scott with lower lobe pneumonia." Your kidding, right?
Nope. Scott, Hope and I were in the hospital all at the same time. We were celebrities at Rogue Valley Medical Center. Ever heard of a family birth. Well we were the real deal that day in September.
Hope and I left the next morning and Scott stayed for 4 more days. He didn't hold Hope until she was almost a week old. It took way longer for him to recover from Hope's birth than it did me!
Happy Birthday, Hope. You know the rest of story and it's your to share.
WOW! That's quite a story... I've never heard of Lower Lobe pneumonia. Glad it all worked out so well. Hopey Joe is still stunning and we love her, love her, love her!!