Thursday, September 24, 2009


Some of us were around when telephones had the receivers attached by a long spring like cord. They were cumbersome and limited the ability to move around accomplishing a variety of tasks while talking on the phone. You had to stand right there and have a conversation.

We had just moved to HB and I was preparing to assume the coordinator responsibilities for the Wednesday MOPS group at FCCHB. I was speaking on the phone with the current coordinator and Shae was trying to claim my attention. I kept giving her the finger . . . you know, the one minute finger, not the rude, vulgar finger you may observe while driving. In any case, she was not responding to my "finger" and I turned my back to her so I could concentrate and finish my call quickly.

Apparently, I was unaware of Shae's adamant insistence on speaking with me now.

I had several items on the counter that I had been working on and was unaware of her cunning. Suddenly, the phone was dead and the cord was hanging from my ear. Shae had found the scissors I was using and cut the cord.

Her expression was one of confusion and fear. She was just as surprised as I was that her plan was executed perfectly. I couldn't help but belly laugh. I finally was able to reconnect with the coordinator and explain to her what had happened and we both enjoyed a good laugh.

Roderick's. Need I say more?

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