Here in SoCal we have a fish called a grunyun. They spawn with the moon. True story.
Scott was telling Greg, Marybeth's husband, you've heard me mention her, about grunyun. Greg, being a true guy's guy was all up for going out with Scott and searching for the tiny creatures. All they needed was a bucket and a full moon.
They left our house about midnight and headed for the beach. Now normally our beach closes at 10:00pm, but not while the grunyun are running. They arrived on PCH and Scott decided to park a couple blocks from the pier and avoid the "crowds".
The boys took it to the shore line and waited. Grunyun come in with the tide and the female sticks her tail in the sand and lays her eggs and the male swims around her fertilizing them. Greg and Scott saw a few fish swimming in and they started grabbing them and putting them in their bucket.
Their good time was interrupted by a stray lady who told them to leave those fish alone because they were the scouts and those particular fish needed to swim out to tell the others it was a safe beach. Really.
She also told them the grunyun were really hitting the shore by the pier. So the boys emptied their bucket and headed for the pier.
Once there, they did find lots of fish . . . thousands of fish . . . millions of fish swimming and flopping and fertilizing in a huge fish frenzie. Scott and Greg started grabbing handfulls of the unsuspecting sea dwellers, putting them in their bucket.
Greg stopped "fishing". Scott was concerned and asked him why he no longer chose to grab the ocean delights. Apparently, Greg realized they were going to have to clean all those little 4 inch creatures when they arrived home.
They started grabbing handfuls and throwing them back. Catch and release.