Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Did you ever have a kid identically fracture both upper arms and right clavacal by being crushed under a ride at a small amusemet park? We did. Hope was 3 years old.

It happened at a birthday party and I was there to witness the whole incident, there with the paramedics, there in the ambulance and there in the emergency room. Just me and Hope. Scott finally walked through the curtain at Hoag Hospital and I fell apart. Hope never lost conscious but was in a pain and on a back board and begging us in that tiny 3 year old voice to take her home. I can not put into words what Scott and I both were feeling. Four agonizing hours of MRIs, X-rays, needles and conversations with several doctors. We were told about the fractures and assured there was no evidence of head trauma or internal bleeding. Face and hip lazerations and bruising that did not require any attention other than pain management.

The medical staff kept asking us what happened. As I shared the story they could not believe she didn't sustain more serious injuries after the kind of trauma she had suffered. They kept asking me to repeat the story. And of course I did.

Hope and I spent the night in the hospital for observation and once she was able to use the bathroom the next morning, Sunday morning, we took her home.

Scott and I both realize God's mercy in Hope's accident as well. She was back to her old self in about 3 weeks. Again, a God thing.

We have so much more to share about this story. So if you see us walking around just ask. Many other things happened that could solidify your personal Jesus journey and we'd love to share more with you.

You would never know when you look at that crazy blond Roderick who loves life today that any thing out of the ordinary ever happened to her. God is good.

Chalk another one up for the Roderick's.

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