Friday, August 28, 2009


Each of the Roderick girls are assigned a flower bed to take care of . . . weed it, pick trash out of it, make sure it's watered . . . those types of things. It is a chore that each Roderick must endure.

This morning, Hope returned home from a sleep over and went out in the back yard to start her weeding. I was upstairs eavesdropping on all the chaos out in the yard.

Hope is the Roderick talker. She will talk to anyone who will listen and she will keep talking until you end the interaction. She and her Dad were having a rather heated discussion about the proper way to pull weeds. He was explaining the importance of pulling the weeds out from their roots and she was having none of it. Ah, they will have this conversation again in a few weeks.

She also carried on quite a conversation with the dogs. "It's just water", "No bark" and "Where's your ball" are just a few phrases I heard. I heard ball kicking followed by barking. Dogs growling during a rowdy wrestling match. All the while Hope jabbering away at them.

She continued weeding as the humming began, at a very high pitch I might add. Neighbors dogs began to bark as well as our own and she was completely oblivious. But I won't complain. Her weeding was done and her father was satisfied and I love having her where I know what she's up too.

We do our showering at night, generally, and Hope had had a day similar to the one described above. Scott and I were watching TV and Hope got into the shower to clean the day away. All of a sudden, our very verbal girl began singing at the top of her lungs. The Star Spangled Banner rang throughout our house at a high decibel.

Scott and I looked at each other, stood, and put our right hands over our hearts.

We are a patriotic family, after all.

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