Friday, August 21, 2009


We own two of the most brilliant canines in HB. I can say this with all sincerity because I have witnessed their incredible intelligence.

While cleaning, I decided to move their beloved kennel. This kennel is where they stay while we Roderick's are all out of the house doing whatever it is we all do. The kennel is also the cozy bed they sleep in at night. They love their kennel for one simple reason . . . it is where they go to receive the coveted "treats".

This is how we have trained them . . . I know . . . it may seem unusual and unconventional, but we're Roderick's . . . it's what we do. So we tell them "Go get in your kennel and you'll get a treat" and of course it is a mad dash to the kennel. I have given you all this background information so that I may continue my story . . .

Remember . . . the kennel has been moved . . . I call the dogs . . . they run to where the kennel used to be, sliding across the tile, all the while looking at me with eyes that say "You wouldn't move our kennel, would you". Yes I would and I did.

They do this every time, everyday . . . the kennel was moved 3 weeks ago . . . gives new meaning to the old cliche "You can't teach an old dog new tricks".

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