Friday, September 16, 2011


My assignment was Mission Missoni. I arrived at the designated store at 7:55am on Friday, September 17, 2011. As per my training, I attempted to appear relaxed. There were five competitors. I planned my strategy perfectly.

At 8:00am the automatic glass doors opened and I casually walked into the store and made a visual scan of the targeted areas. I proceeded to walk calmly past accessories, continuing my loop through the channels. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I expected to come up with zero scored but I continued my surveilance of the facility.

As I turned into bedding, several obstacles met me. A saleperson was chatting up some competitors about the lack of merchandise. They leaped in front of me with a heading towards intimates, proving their inexperience at this level. I quickly turned into beauty where I discovered two rolling pieces of luggage, an overnight bag and two make-up bags. All perfect specimens of Missoni.

I immediately procured the merchandise and placed it in my cart and proceeded to check out. All of my competitors were now in clothing searching through racks that held nothing. I had escaped with the motherload and my competition didn't even see me exit the store at 8:10am.

Rookies. Again, Roderick.

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