Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Kelsey got a rather unusual present on her 16th birthday. Holly, one of her bff's, gave her a finch, cage, food and all the fixin's the creature could ever want. Kelsey kept it in her room, much to my dismay, but we couldn't think of anywhere else in the house that needed or wanted a bird. So that's where it took up roost.

One day, while Kelsey was out, Hope and Rachel invaded her room to "play" with the bird. The two criminals set the bird free to flutter around the room, door closed, while they watched with glee . . . until the bird flew out Kelsey's open window smack into the neighbor's house. I do not recall where I was during all this mayhem. Suffice it to say I was on the property doing some sort of motherly chore.

The girls trail blazed it to said house and found the bird no longer living on this green earth. They were very distraught and came sobbing home to me to explain the whole story. I proceeded to give them tips on how to relay their sad tail to Kelsey when she arrived home and they sat on the couch to formulate their plan.

They met Kels at the door, their lower lips quivering, and shared the grim information. Kelsey's response . . . "I hated that bird."

Kelsey has always been very forthright.

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