Saturday, November 21, 2009


Sometimes the boys coming around the Roderick abode are just so overwhelming for our estrogen intensity. Frankly, we just don't understand some of the testosterone tendencies and many times we just don't know how to react. For instance, sagging jeans with boxers hanging out was the deal back in Kelsey junior and senior high school days.

Charlie, one of Kelsey's early heartthrobs, would come over with sagging pants. We decided that a guideline would be instated about sagging and boxers. It would not be acceptable at our house. No big deal, right?

Charlie came over on his bike to visit Kelsey and Scott was out in the driveway sweeping all the old dirt, trash and dead weeds, just general yard maintenance. Once again, there was sagging and boxers. Scott asked Charlie to pull up his pants. Kelsey and Charlie laughed. "Dad are you serious?" Kelsey asked. Scott said that he was and Charlie let out a laugh that said I am not doing that. Lots of attitude.

Scott chased Charlie down the street with the broom he was using to sweep that said he was very serious. Charlie didn't come back to the Roderick's again with sagging drawers.

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