Saturday, May 29, 2010


Yesterday was a special day. It was the first of many weddings that will be attended by our girls. Paul, Addison's long time friend, is the first one out of the chute and she, and several other friends, went to the gala affair and were pleasantly surprised.

We spent time shopping for wedding presents online at the couple's chosen registry and Addison was shocked by what the pair had put on their "list". "This is really weird stuff" she said. I explained to her that they were setting up their own little "love" nest and that's the kind of items you need to get the house keeping started. All in all, it was a teachable moment for my second born and prayerfully, she will wait a while before she takes the step. Of course, she must jump through all the hoops before achieving the Roderick's blessings for matrimony, which includes finding a young man suitable for her according to our specific guidelines.

Suffice it to say, they all had a great time at the wedding and sent Paul and his bride off into wedded bliss and a life filled with happiness, joy and continued love.

Roderick girls, do not even think about it.

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