Sunday, May 30, 2010


It was a grand event. Something I always look forward. A time of reflection, rebirth and renewal. A joining of the female of our species in a ritual that has played out many times over. That's right. It was time for a chick flick together. And it was so worth it to combine our reviews of this particular cinema graphic technology.

After the movie we went to dinner and also took a culinary journey that some of the girls had not yet succumbed too. That's right, we went out for sushi. Let me share with you the highlight reel.

HR loves to watch "Ice Road Truckers", "Survivor", "Life of an American Teenager", "The Amazing Race" and all those "Real Housewives" shows. So not what I have always thought Holly to be . . . it was great! Then we have four other girls, AP, CP, PC and of course, KT who were throwing back drinks like a sailor on leave. Not really, they only had one each but those must have been powerful drinks to instigate the kinds of behaviors being exhibited. CP was scraping her left over sauce from her entree on to her plate of appetizers. I seriously was happy she wasn't licking it off that plate. KT was shooting soy beans at PC and anyone else who wasn't looking. She almost took out our waiter. CH thought the soy beans were green beans. Really. But hey, I was not there to judge.

There is much activity that I am not at liberty to share because of the secrecy claus. I must not relay this information to the general public. Me, hey I was driving and not in the mix at all, although I did experience a slight discomfort in my abdomen from all the guffawing going on.

Good times I will always cherish.

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