Sunday, October 11, 2009


I know, not a subject one usually discusses in a public forum. However, we are who we are. After all, we all have them at one time or another, so it must be addressed as to the proper care and disposal.

Kelsey was probably 5 or 6 when this little party in her nose took place. I was always the mom who couldn't stand snotty, runny, gross, boogery noses, inside or out. I was known to take my little finger and dig boogers out frequently. I'm sorry, I just couldn't stand it. I would actually get physically sick seeing those little nostrils full of who knows what. Don't be concerned for your children. It was only mine who received the sanitary nose cleaning.

I was getting Kelsey dressed for the day and of course, I spied a booger just a little way up her nose. So I went to digging with my little finger and scored. As I removed my finger I was unable to believe my own eyes. It was the biggest mass I had ever seen. Kelsey and I just stared at each other. How could such a little child create such a huge nose nugget? I placed the object on a tissue. I know, this is gross, but I saved it to show Scott when he came home. He has no stomach for this sort of thing so he wouldn't even look at it. As I think about the event I probably should have taken a picture of Kelsey holding it and smiling. It would have been great.

From that day on we referred to the incident as "the day I pulled a tree out of Kelsey's nose".

Only in the Roderick house.

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