Wednesday, October 21, 2009


We Roderick's are not known for our fabulous musical talents. In fact, I think not one of us can carry a tune in a tin can. That being said, it does not stop us from trying to use that particular gift that God did not grace us with . . . we do attempt to sing occasionally. At least, the young ones do try.

I was grocery shopping at Harmon's, a popular store in Utah, when Kelsey had just started to put sentences together and was quickly becoming very verbal. We were wandering up and down the produce aisle, meandering through cereals, strolling through frozen foods, just taking our time. Kelsey was sitting in the cart and kicking her little feet and looking cute as a button, when suddenly, with no warning, she started singing at the top of her lungs. "Jesus loves me this I know . . .". I tried to encourage her to sing softly, but she was having no part of that thought. She didn't stop, she continued singing through out the store. People were turning corners and skipping our aisle. People were peeking through merchandise to see who was singing. People were lining up at check out to make a hasty escape.

You see, we were pegged at that point, as a "non-mormon" because "Jesus Loves Me" is not a song that mormons would sing. Not in their hymnals, not in their ward, not ever. I was trying to blend in, being in the minority, so that was a dead give away as to my spiritual persuasion. Not that being a Christian is bad in Utah, it is just a little difficult.

I hate to admit that I was embarrassed, but I was and Kelsey was not at all. She kept singing all the way out to the parking lot, unloading groceries, plugging her into her car seat. She finally fell asleep singing on the way home.

Any one looking for a 24 year soloist who is very good at "Jesus Loves Me?"

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