Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Dakota and Diesel are the most pampered of all the pets in the Roderick kingdom. Our prince and princess will be two years old in February and they demand our utmost attention. Of course, we adore them and have learned to respond to their every need. Case in point. D. & D. get a spa treatment once a week.

They are first brushed on the patio with the sea breezes tickling their skin. This is followed by a brisk run up the stairs to the waiting shower. The water temperature is just right for our two little K-9's. All the jets are turned on so they may enjoy a tingling hydro-massage. Once completed, they are graced with a scrubbing using jasmine scented soap, followed by a relaxing rest on the cool tile of the shower stall. Now they are ready for their intimate drying needs, before being whisked off to their kennel for the shake, rub and roll on the finest scented bath towels.

After being released from their kennel, they dine on left-overs from the refrigerator, always warmed up in the microwave. They feast on a dessert fit for kings, chicken jerky strips, all accompanied by a never ending bowl of water.

Now it's time for their romp in the back yard. They are accustomed to balls of every size, sticks, stuffed toys and any debris that may be discovered. This activity does not include the general roll in the dirt. They are only permitted on the grass at this time. They are generously spritzed with doggie perfume as they wait patiently at the sliding glass door.

Once they are back in the confines of the house they are escorted to the couch where they receive a full body massage. This is so relaxing that they fall completely and utterly sound asleep. In this final spa ritual, they are singularly carried to their kennel for a solid nights rest.

Doggie Spa information can be obtained by contacting any of the Roderick family.

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