Monday, October 5, 2009


Scott and I make mistakes with our girls all the time. No kidding. We are always doing something that makes us think twice about what kind of parents we have been and what kind of parents we are still becoming.

Sometimes as parents we make whoppers. Not every day, but many days we do something with our girls that we would love to rewind and do again. It seems that no matter how long we are parents, no matter how many parenting books we read, no matter how many parenting seminars we have attended, we are always learning to better the techniques. You should never stop attempting to do the parent thing better. Each child deserves a system that compliments their individual strengths. We mess up all the time. We try to learn from our mistakes and move on to the next challenge and there is always another challenge.

Kelsey is the one that has experienced most of our trials and errors. Being the first born sometimes really sucks for her. She has been a trooper and has endured our learning process remarkably well. I remember one time driving and we were talking and I said something entirely inaccurate and she replied "Mom you really don't know what you're doing do you" and I had to admit to her that I did not. Humbling moment for old Mom but one I well deserved. She was very intuitive.

This having been said, there really is know other way for kids and parents to learn the art of a family. You would think we would have it down by now . . . not even close. We screw up with Hope all of the time because she is another unique personality, hello, 4th girl, you think we would get it.

We love our girls so much that our hearts seem they will burst. We only want the best for them and sometimes we just plain try to hard. We don't intend to make their young lives miserable, but sometimes we just can't avoid our feelings and opinions. We have to admit we are trying to keep our noses out of their personal business as they get older. We try to wait for the ask. And then watch out ladies, you will get our whole hearted opinion on the subject.

Kelsey, Addison, Shae and Hope. You have our hearts, our souls and our love always.

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