Friday, January 29, 2010


Monday is a day of beginnings. The Roderick household is embarking on a 28 day adventure with Dr. Oz and his method of cleansing out the body and subsequently strike out with a brand new vigor for life. February is the month of love, so we thought we could all do this together as a family. We encourage Kelsey to join us from the north, but we understand if she chooses not to jump on the train this time.

I plan to keep a day to day journal/blog on the journey, so that you may all track our successes and failures. It's gonna be fun.

Oh my, we covet your prayers.


  1. Is it on the Dr. Oz show or is it a book? I'm interested

  2. I am thinking the day to day journaling is not working out so is because you now have no energy to write :)

  3. Yes, hbmommy, it is Dr. Oz and no McKinneyville, I am have just neglected it . . . I will try to do better . . . xoxo
