Saturday, January 9, 2010


Shae started her day with a 10:30 am one hour yoga session followed by a hot shower. She then hopped in her car and went shopping for a few hours. Finding herself a bit parched and hungry, she and Danielle stopped to have dinner at a hot sushi bar in downtown Hungtington Beach. Now it was off to meet more friends and enjoy a movie at the local theater. Soon she will be home with her posse and they will all be sleeping over at the Roderick abode. Sounds glamourous, expensive and oh so Orange County, California . . . just like a typical beach girl. No, no, no. Do not jump to preconceived television ideas.

Shae got up and did go to a FREE one hour yoga class. She came home, showered and ate lunch. She did go shopping, but spent zero. She and Danielle did go to sushi, however, they went at happy hour when everything is half price. She did meet her friends at the movies, but she had a Christmas discount ticket. Roderick house entertainment is always FREE.

So you see, all is not as it seems on TV. At least, it's not for we Roderick's.


  1. OOOO... Shae is my kind of girl! :) P.S. if she ever wants a yoga partner... I'm in! :)
