Sunday, January 10, 2010


This story could, and did, only happen to a Roderick chickie.

Addison wanted her ears pierced and soccer wasn't in season (no earrings during soccer including the studs for piercing). So it was off to Walmart with her oh so patient, loving father. They went to the jewelry counter and waited for Addison's big moment.

Her ears were marked, checked and marked again until she felt they were perfect and her dad thought they would be beautiful. The piercing gun was placed and the trigger was pulled, the stud centered strategically on her dainty lobe. One ear done.

Now for the next. The piercing gun was placed and the trigger was pulled, the stud centered strategically on her dainty lobe. Release ear piercing tool from ear. No. NO! The release mechanism was jammed. "Well this has never happened before. I guess you'll just have to leave it on your ear" said the insensitive twit with the gun. Addison was now horrified and starting to panic. This was the worse possible event that could happen to her . . . she is Addison after all. It took a moment or two or three to calm her down.

As you have seen, Addison does not have a mechanical object dangling from her ear. She and her father do have a story to tell and a memory was made.

And I have another blog entry.

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