Wednesday, April 21, 2010


April 23,24,25, 2010. This is it. One weekend I look forward to annually. This is it. The weekend that I have no responsibilities but to myself. This is it. A weekend that I can really "cut loose". This is it. Eating, shopping, laughing and spiritual renewal. THIS IS IT.

Every year, we pick a weekend in the spring. Just me and my BFF's. Sometimes I can't make it, sometimes they don't make it, but it is always planned and somebody always goes. This year we head over to Palm Springs. We rent a house with all the amenities and just relax. We sometimes cook, often go out, do lots of damage to our personal spending plans and we always laugh. Always.

There was the year that Monique punked Cherylynn with a vomit trick. Or how about the year that we all watched "What Lies Beneath", all except Phyllis because her face was buried in a pillow. Who can forget the year we set out to walk all the way around Lake Arrowhead. And the year(s) we have missed our exits because we were all so engrossed in conversations.

Lots of spiritual and life sharing moments, some tears, tons of belly laughing and on occasion, altering our relationships with each other.

I do not know how to I would survive without my BBF's because next to Scott and my spiritual convictions, they are my sanity in an uncertain world. That being said let the festivities begin.

Now, who's going to end up on my blog when I get home.


  1. I look forward to our weekend every year too, but we must be afraid..... everyone. Cindy will be taking notes and who knows what will end up on the information highway for all to read.

  2. Do we need to put an attorney on retainer?
