Saturday, April 17, 2010


It is the time of year when the girls want to start throwing parties, supervised parties.

Shae has a tea party tomorrow with all the delicate finesse of high tea in London. Scones with jam and Devonshire cream, tea sandwiches of chicken salad, egg salad and a peanut butter and honey open faced no crust. Loose leaf Earl Grey and a multi-leaf bold with cream and sugar to tasted. Petit fours round out the afternoon. She has about 20 BFFS coming at 4:00p. The Roderick hen house will be all a flutter.

We will also be looking at some sort of graduation soiree in June for our 2010 girl, Shae. Both sets of grandparents and Kelsey will be down for that auspicious event.

Addison wants us to finish the fireplace and get a new flat screen before the World Cup. She wants to throw a party and watch the USA work it's razzle dazzle. We may finish it and have a 3:00am party since they are in South Africa the time slots are crazy. Could be fun. Breakfast at the Roderick's. We will see if the spending plan lends itself to World Cup pressure.

Hope always wants some kind of party. One will never know what goes on underneath all that blonde hair.

1 comment:

  1. i think you ment "addison always wants some kind of party.." not mee?
