Friday, April 30, 2010


In honor of our Kelsey coming home for the weekend, I shall relay a story that will illustrate her superior intelligence. It occurred in St. Louis in 1987.

Our family was traveling to my grandparents home in southern Illinois. We were all crammed into a mini van including the all important car seat that also traveled on the place with us. Dad, Mom, Scott, Me and baby Kelsey. She was about 13 months old, not walking and the most alert kid I had ever been exposed too. Seriously. I know, most new parents think their kid is the sharpest tool in the shed, but in our case it was true.

We are speeding down a wide open freeway. Kelsey is gazing out the window and starts pointing and grunting. I didn't understand what she was doing. After about ten seconds, she would stop and be distracted by something else. A little later, she did the very same thing again. What does she want? All of us were puzzled. She, once again, did the same thing. A small light bulb went off in my head. I knew what she wanted. My child could read and she was reading billboards as we went down the Highway.

She knew exactly what she wanted. She saw the "Golden Arches" and "read" the sign.

Can you say Roderick? And by the way, I still think she's brilliant.

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