Monday, April 26, 2010


We are all sitting in the living room of the big, desert house that we rented for the weekend. We had a marvelous dinner at P.F. Chang's, you know, the kind with lots of carbs. We are discussing various contemporary topics spiced with our own brand of humor. I have a visual on Kim and she is softly and quietly slipping off to dreamland. She abruptly startles awake, stands up and walks to the slider to gently close it. She is met with several cries of resistance and reluctantly opens it back up and walks over by me.

Now here's where the fun begins. I watch Kim turn in a circle looking at the floor. You've seen it done many times by the family dog. They survey the area where they plan to sleep by walking around and checking it out, a circular pattern. After having completed her inspection, she lays down and assumes the fetal position, sighs and drifts back off.

We all continue conversing until, once again, Kim gets up, takes a walk around the room and plops down in another area. I am telling the truth. She even put in her own opinion now and again lending some color to our repartee. I don't make this stuff up.

What happens in Palm Springs will never stay in Palm Springs.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha...really!!!! So funny and oh so fun!!!
