Saturday, April 17, 2010


Sometimes at the Roderick house someone may lose control. They freak out. They are not thinking rationally. This happened this weekend.

Scott was the freakee. Scared the girls to death. He set down several edicts that they were not expecting from the father that they think is the best. One, they are responsible for the dogs, not their mother and father. They are responsible for their personal property. Not their mother and father. They are responsible for asking for permission to add to their personal social life. There mother and father give it or do not. Of course, all these new guidelines are "ridiculous in their young way of thinking. To bad, done deal, live with it. They were not amused.

Then I get a frantic text. Did you hide my ring again? You see Scott takes his wedding ring off to sleep and frequently forgets to put it back on in the morning. Goes off without it. I do not appreciate this lack of respect for me, so occasionally I hide it, just to remind him that he would miss that little gold reminder if he did lose it.

I did not hide it this time. It was missing and he was on the rampage trying to find his stinking ring. He did find it, but the rampage was burned in all our minds.

Scotts stress levels are usually manifested with pulling the sides of his hair, showing of the China face, if you are unfamiliar with this face, ask Phyllis, she knows it as well as I do, and the ever popular pacing back and forth and ranting and raving verbally. It really is a sight to see, but I refrain from hilarity because it makes him even more crazy.

Anyway, the rampage ended without incident and the evening was spent watching a movie together on our laptop because the girls had dibs on the big TV in the living room.

I wonder what he'd do if I hid his glasses?

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