Love him so much and I think we threw him a great day Roderick style.
A collection of real life stories shared by a minister's wife. The cast includes one savvy daddy, four charismatic daughters, two active dogs and the mom who chronicles it all as the saga plays out day to day. Come join the fun and read at your own risk.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Scott turned 55 yesterday so if you see him around town just mention how great he looks. He feels good and his darling daughter's really decked him out in new duds so he is stylin'. He's a hottie-in-a-fifties-body.
A couple of days ago I was really feeling out of sorts. I wanted to do nothing. Not me at all.
Today is a new day and I have enjoyed being me again. I walked for the first time in 3 months. Summer in Student Ministries is well, sucks-the-energy-out-of-you-there-is-so-much-to-do. Needless to say no time to do what I wanted to do, but Hope went back to school today and my "me" time has returned full force. I got to catch up with the besties and enjoyed a cuppa iced joe. I am sore, but it's that good sore that tells you the muscles you've been neglecting have been activated again. I caught up on a little house work too, and it seems to be cooler. At least there is a cool breeze blowing off the ocean.
And did I mention my sister and neice are in town? Boom. Love having them here and I'm going to watch Anna Grace compete tomorrow in figure skating somewhere in LA. She's quite a little skater and the outfits are to die for when your 9. She is nationally ranked for her age division, at least I think she is, if she's not she should be, at least her Auntie thinks so.
I have returned to my old comfortable self. It's good to be a Roderick.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Today has not been a good day for me. I am all out of sorts.
I'm tired of my discouraged attitude. I'm tired of being out of my weight zone. I'm tired of the challenges my job brings. I'm tired of my kids fussing and fighting. I'm tired of housework, which by the way has fallen way off this summer. I'm tired of maintenance around the Roderick living abode. We just did the remodel 5 years ago. How can this be happening? I'm tired of having carpets that always need cleaning. I'm tired of missing Kelsey. I'm tired of our backyard. I'm tired of doing laundry every stinkin' day. I'm tired of dogs that shed everywhere. I'm tired of the Hylander (I hate that car). I'm tired of this wretched economy. I'm tired of not being able to go to Salt Lake whenever I miss my extended family. I'm tired of dogs barking and the crows cawing. I'm tired of meal planning. I'm tired of taking my prescribed meds. I'm tired of Starbucks. I'm tired of being stuck in this never ending routine. I'm tired of the weather. I'm tired of waking up in the morning and feeling like I didn't sleep at all. I'm tired of all these new and unfamiliar aches and pains.
I'm simply tired of being 53.
Heavy sigh. Tomorrow will be a better day. Roderick's do not stay in a slump for long.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
I just reached over 5,000 pageviews on livinglifeasaroderick. I think that's a lot. Is that a lot? I have no idea but I love writting and it's so theraputic. So 5 or 5,000 this gal will continue to write.
I am Roderick. It's what I do.
Addison apparently had a little trouble getting to church this morning.
As she walked out the front door heading for FCCHB a huge beetle the size of a small state, flew into her face. While defending herself against the said monster she almost dropped her phone. While juggling to save her phone she did drop her bff's birthday present. The birthday present sadly, did not survive. It was an antique tea cup and saucer. The saucer incurred the damage.
But Addison, being herself, decided Kelly was getting that antique broken or not. After all, it was a Canadian antique tea cup and Kelly would understand it's significance.
Addison will now be arranging a tea date for the birthday of her bff. I wonder if Kelly will use that tea cup with or with out the saucer.
We were enjoying a delightful home made pizza this evening and Shae mentions that she must work on Labor Day. She says "Man, we're having a sale that weekend and there's gonna be people in there." Excuse me Shae, I don't think you understand the concept of being employed in the retail industry. If there are not people, there are no sales, there will be no pay check.
Clearly she needs some HR intervention. Or maybe she's just a Roderick.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
So much fun in the Beachhouse this weekend. We had a Worship Song Sing Off between boys and girls. It was like a mini "Glee" episode. They got to choose the song and then they performed it for the other team. They really go into it. Girls were all about the music and boys were all about busting moves. The prize is the new VeggieTales video and movie snacks at next weekends worship times because everyone's a winner up in the Beachhouse. They loved it and can't wait for next week!
I'm gonna have to remember that one for when we move back to the Treehouse.
I was out doing the laundry this morning just thinking, sometimes a dangerous activity for a Roderick. I had a light bulb burn bright right on the top of my head. Responsibilities will be changing at our house, at least for the children.
I went into the girls bathroom to pick up linens and a very distinct, unpleasant aroma assaulted my nasal passages. We have a weekly rotation schedule for the girls bathroom, Addison, Shae, Hope, repeat. Every week they argue about who's up and I just let them work it out on their own and haven't followed up on who completed the task. By the smell of that room, perhaps I made a serious error in judgement. Those girls have been slacking in the cleanliness and hygiene department.
Scott and I have coached them on the proper cleaning methods and somehow they seem to have forgotten the steps. Their rooms are their domains as well and let me tell you, I am afraid to spend much time in those areas of the house. You just don't know what may crawl out of their closets. They are all somewhat athletic, whether yoga, running, soccer and eliptical, they all sweat like an elderly man in a steam room. No kidding. It is time for action.
As of today, August 27, 20011 those girls will not be permitted to use our shower or bath. They will have to figure out how to clean and enjoy their own personal bathroom. No more running to our bathroom for towels either, girls. Bring your own up from the laundry area and do it before getting into the shower. I will no longer bring you a personal towel. This is the beginning of independence girls. You are going to love it!
One step for mom & dad, one giant leap for adult Roderick girls.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Diesel has been feeling under the weather the last couple of days. He has a spot under his front leg that he has been itching incessantly. So being the responsible pet parents that we are we administered a benadryl in a tasty chunk of cheese for the scratching, as well as neo-sporin and hydrocortisone creams regularly on the irritated area.
He's taken to staying in his kennel and the only body part he moves are his eyes. We've had to carry him outside to use the bathroom and carry him to his bowl(s) to eat and drink. He lays on the couch with the breeze of a fan blowing through his fur watching me knit. He has dog model written all over him. He is doing all the necessary activities to keep things moving through his insides. He is not moving his outsides much. Hmm.
Oh, did I mention Hope took him on a very long bike ride on Monday? She rides the bike and he runs. We have decided his muscles are sore and he plain doesn't want to move. His inactivity has nothing to do with the meds. as we previously assumed.
Tonight he's up and running around now like nothing was ever wrong. I swear it is like having another kid in the house.
We Roderick's are now diagnosing pet behavior. Take that Ceasar Milan.
It was a bittersweet morning for two reasons. The first, of course, was a trip to IKEA to shop for Shae's new apartment in Eugene. Yep. She's heading back up there on September 18th for her sophomore year, declared major and all that entails. We've enjoyed having her around this summer, but it seems the Roderick's have spawned two Northwest gals who love the rain, so away she goes.
The second is that her mama dropped about $200.00 on odds and ends for the new living space. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, hello, Roderick. It just makes me feel a little sappy to think that the 3rd Roderick is flying the coop and starting her own housekeeping (Lord have mercy).
They have all grown up to be such wonderful young women. I lament the days of diapers and bicycles . . . but only for a moment.
Now. What can we do with Shae's old bedroom?
Scott and I went to Barnes and Noble today on a mini date of sorts. The girls are all off and doing their "thangs" so we made a quick trip to do some browsing, which by the way, always ends up in buying.
I found a new mystery I haven't read and several issues of knitting magazines. I love these things and I have saved them over the years and no, I am not a hoarder, although at times my family believes I need therapy. It is narrowing down the number of articles I have time to knit that really depresses. I have plenty of yarn in my stash but there are so many choices. It becomes overwhelming sometimes, but a good kind of overwhelming.
So tonight I shall browse through the mags and try to cull down the possibilities, doggies laying by my side and Scott granting my beverage desires.
And then I will wake up to another day. The life of Mistress Roderick.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Scott tried to find some man time, of which there is very little of at our house, tonight and here is what he discovered.
Addison was all wrapped up watching Pretty Little Liars, TiVoed, on one TV. I was watching a Glee DVD, remember I am now a Gleek, on the another TV. Hope was taking a bath in our master bath because the parentals have the jets. He hung his head as he walked down the stairs and went to retrieve his laptop. So pathetic.
Tomorrow will be another day, dear. Addison and Hope are leaving for the river tonight so there will be little or no competition for appliances for a few days. You may have to wrestle Shae for the remote. I heard her mumble something about catching up on Gossip Girls this weekend.
We had a tea party today at the Fairy Tea Cottage in Seal Beach. So fun. In attendance were Addison, Shae, Hope, Cherylynn and me. We enjoyed tea and several finds after at an antique shop right down the way. Lovely summer afternoon.
While dining on scones and tiny sandwiches, Cherylynn asked Addison to please pass the honey. Addison promptly pushed the honey pot 2 inches toward Cherylynn and continued eating. I reached over and told that girl don't wear yourself out and manuvered the pass to Ms. Hurdle. Oh Addison.
Remind yourself before you have tea with the Roderick's that we take our down time very seriously.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
One week from today school starts for Hope. It has been a fun summer and she traveled, volunteered, worked and partied. But it is all over. The summer bummer. I remember when I was in high school. Wow. The summer's I had . . . memories.
We leave for Eugene to take Shae back to the University of Oregon on September 18th. Addison starts her next quarter the first week in October. Back to school lasts a month for the Roderick's.
I have to admit I am a wee bit sad. But Christmas is only 122 days away.
That's how we roll.
Monday, August 22, 2011
What do you do when you can't sleep? Me, I play Tetris. Tonight I scored 734 on level 83. Pretty good for someone who normally doesn't play computer games.
I have also been known to raid the refrigerator, knit, watch a movie and the ever popular toss and turn. Sometimes I just don't know how to turn off my head. It gets caught up in all kinds of weird scenarios, worries, strategies, etc.
Oh, did I mention I blog too . . . zzzzzzzz.
We ran by Starbucks tonight to grab a gift card for a friend and we stumbled upon a family quarrel. Let me rephrase that. It was a tongue lashing by a not so calm father. Apparently his daughter was on her way to college and he was letting her know how it was going to be for her. He was very animated. It was the kind of conversation they should have been having in their home without an audience.
I understand the need to make it clear to our kids what our expectations are however there is no need to embarrass or demean them at any time. This dad was certainly not encouraging his daughter.
I felt conflicted about the scene I was witnessing. Should I have steped in? Should I have called someone? No physical harm was being inflicted and mom was sitting there as well. Still did I have a moral obligation to rescue this young woman and/or did this young woman want to be rescued? She was clearly an adult.
At some point in all our lives we are in situations that leave us feeling uncomfortable. It confirmed for me the choices we as parents make concerning our kids and how those choices will affect them in their future lives.
Lord help me make wise choices concerning the Roderick ladies.
Today Hope and Daisy, Hope's bff, came home and wanted to lay out to get their tan on. So armed with towels, laptop, sunscreen and water off they went. I assumed they went to the backyard to catch the rays until I heard prancing and pawing up on the roof. Wait. The roof.
When they came back in the house I asked why on earth would they lay out on the roof. Their reply. We want to get better tan so we're laying out closer to the sun. What?
One word. Blondes.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I have been going through photos that we have taken over the years, you know, updating. I have started discarding some and I am feeling a bit guilty tossing my precious children's likeness' into the rubbish pile. I couldn't even tell which daughter it was in some of those pictures they were so blurry and distorted. Still, for some unknown reason, it felt like I was disrespecting my offspring.
I guess I'll get over it. I've started in on the videos and next I'll hit digital camera and start dumping.
We're having a garage sale in a couple of weeks if any of you need some new "Roderick" art deco for your own walls.
Sundays are always the day that I acutely miss our Kelsey. And today was especially difficult. We saw an old friend of hers, one of the "park boys" she used to hang out with in middle school.
Yeah, Kelsey. We saw Charlie today while having lunch with Nana and Grandpa at Polly's. He's all grown up and working there. You are going to have to stop by and see him the next time you're in town. But I digress. Squirrel.
We were all trying to talk Addison into getting a fruit cup consisting of strawberries, melon, grapes and bananas. She is currently on the raw diet kick. During the discussion Hope pipes up with "I like purple grapes. I think I'm going to plant a grape garden." Awkward silence. I simple say "You mean a vineyard."
"Yeah . . . a vineyard." Followed by shreiks of laughter.
We love our little Hope.
Friday, August 19, 2011
I have named this design a California scarf . . . it doesn't keep you warm but it really looks amazing! And it is really easy. If you can cast on, knit and cast off, you can do it.
I used left over scraps of yarn from other projects in assorted colors
Size 8 circular knitting needles (16 inches)
Yarn darning needle to weave in ends
Cast on 76 stitches in desired color.
Join the ends together making certain your stitches are not twisted on the needle.
Continue knitting for 6 rows (scarf will begin to curl onto itself).
Cast off all stitches. This ends your first link in the chain.
Cast on 76 stitches in different color.
Stick needle through first link and join ends.
Continue repeating these steps as above until your scarf is the desired length.
Weave in yarn ends with your darning needle and your done.
All that's left to do is throw it in the washer for some mechanical felting and it will be gorgeous (as long as you use 100% wool it will felt up beautifully).
We Roderick's love easy patterns and this one looks so good with a cute blazer and jeans.
Ahoy matey! Scott finished his Shields sailing class and takes his certification test on Monday. After that it is on to the Cruising I class. I'm going to start calling him Popeye.
We're planning on sailing through the Greek Islands next summer so he'd better get all the classes in he can because this first mate is not getting on any boat until the skipper knows exactly what he's doing. This girl is no Gilligan.
I'm married to a sailor. Can someone sing a few bars of South Pacific?
While streamlining and downsizing may be the fad of the day I have to think it could be to our detriment. As Christians we must always think of the human factor in our decisions regarding the world. A world that is all about the money.
Jesus was all about the time spent with people. A totally different mind set. I want to be about the people too. He's a hard act to follow but in the big scheme of things, He's the one to follow.
No matter how hard I try. No matter how many times I request help. No matter how much I spend. I will never get caught up to the technology train.
But the folks at the TECHROOM in Costa Mesa do help. They hooked me up with as much ram as this little iMac laptop can hold. Not to mention teaching me how to grab sections of a DVD and posting it on this very blog. You'll see those results soon.
Suffice it to say that I will not catch up to that insipid train. But, to my way of thinking, the fun is in the journey no matter where you end up.
Right? Right like a Roderick.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I love it when the girls babysit at our house. I learn so much about people. For instance, some quotes from today's kids:
"Mom shot the bunny on my face once"
"I have slide button pants"
"I have to go to the bathroom right now"
"My cat never scratches me"
"You never hold our cat"
"Hey quit licking your hands and wiping them on me"
"He annoys me so much that I lock myself in the bathroom"
"Mom and Dad never do anything"
"He picks his nose and chases me with it"
"Hopie Wan Kanopi"
"Let's pick tomatos"
"Let's build a fort"
"Let's watch a movie"
"Let's go to the park"
"Let's put a puzzle together"
"Let's color"
"Let's wash the car"
This Roderick is tired just remembering some of the quotes.
I cook. I grocery shop. I pull together fabulous meals. Hmm. Not so much. I have combined ingredients that should never be put together and should not, if truth be told, even be stored in the same zip code.
We were visiting with friends and making sandwiches with our left over chicken from the evening before. This would be great if I hadn't plopped a whole boneless chicken breast on a slice of bread, slapped some mayo over the top and covered it with another slice. Scott, being the perfect husband for me, ate it with nary a blink. People are still laughing about that one.
And there was the time we went to the Christmas boat parade in Huntington Harbor. We were strapped for time so I threw together a quick pizza to feed the girls. Lacking ingredients, but not creativity, I decided to try out something new on the family. Canned Vienna meat, jelly included, went on the pie evenly. Popped it in the oven and there you go. Yeah. That one didn't go over well either.
And how about Thanksgiving at the Pearson's. I read a sweet potato recipe incorrectly and our orange veggie dish was swimming in butter. I mean you couldn't even bring the pan to the table because it would slide out of your hands and slip across the surface and land in someone's lap. You couldn't talk because the culinary delight would slip down your chin. Seriously.
Never ask me for a recipe. It could be dangerous. Or worse, you could become an honorary Roderick.
Addison just got back from seeing Dr. Ron our dentist. She has been having some recent pain in a molar (recently worked on) and just wanted to get it checked out. An infection, unusual in a root canal, is the cause of the pain and concern. Antibiotics, pain killers and a referral to a specialist are the antecdotes of the day. Perhaps the future holds an implant as well.
All I see is a college student, no job and lots of cash dumped into a pretty mouth. Roderick's.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Hope opened a bank account today. We jumped in the car with her money and away we went to Chase. We walked in and sat down with a suit. I took out my drivers license and Hope ran to the car to get hers. She got back to the desk and the nice young man asked her what her social security number was and she looked at me. "I don't know it nor do I have your card with me. Don't you have it memorized?" Blank stare.
Back in the car to go back home to get the social security card to go back to the bank.
Yeah. She's a Roderick through and through.
It was really dark at night when I was a kid. No street lights. As a matter of fact the only light around would be the headlights of a car coming down the street. As soon as we saw a car coming we would get on each side of the road. We would pretend to be pulling a huge rope across the street. Even though drivers couldn't see the rope they would see us and squeal to a stop which was our cue to take off running as fast as we could and hide in some bushes. So much fun for kids in elementary school. My mom and dad would sit on the front porch with a glass of ice tea and just laugh and laugh. Life was different back in the '60's. Really.
Parking lot baseball ("Sandlot" of sorts), playing Barbies, making sand in the alley, thunderstorms, tag, bicycles, wagon trains, climbing trees, candy store, playgrounds, Dark Shadows, picnics. The list goes on and on. I have very fond memories of summers as a kid.
When we lived in Oregon, we had a pretty good size back yard, fenced with lots of grass and a huge vegetable garden. A small park almost when you add the swing set and the small wading pool. The kids would spend hours out there if I would let them. Turn on the sprinklers with that small pool and they were good to go.
Kelsey and Addison would have lunch and then grab their swim suits and head for the back door for some fun in the sun (until it was nap time). I would get them all set up and then go back in to clean up lunch dishes while keeping a close eye and ear on them.
Kids are so fast. That's all I have to say. It would never fail. I would take a minute to go to the bathroom, then head out to check on them again. Naked. Swim suits thrown to the wind and they would be stark naked without a care in the world. Hmm.
Today I probably would be turned into child services.
Scott was sharing a story with me this morning on the way to his sailing class. We drove by Edison High School and the drum line was outside practicing. Scott, being a drummer as well, said when he was in high school they would just march up and down the street playing cadences. Kids would ride bikes with them, people would step out of their houses to see them and neighbors would applaud them as they marched with huge grins.
Until someone phoned the police. The officer stop the kids and asked if they had a parade permit. Of course they did not so the uniformed policeman told them to cease and desist.
Wow. It only takes one person to ruin it for everyone. I pray I never become that one person. I pray I am the one out in the street cheering the kids on. I pray that I am the one person always bringing the fun and encouragement.
It could happen. I am Roderick.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
There are only two things that Scott and I argue (discuss, fight, whatever) about. Spending and piles.
Scott has piles everywhere. In his office, in the garage, in the kitchen. I can take it for only so long and then I straighten, toss and organize my way. Usually while he is gone, so this was a perfect week to do the cleaning. He has those sailing classes and is not at home. Yeah. He was not happy with me last night.
Everyone knows that I'm a spender and it makes Scott nuts. I just enjoy spending. I love the smell of cold hard cash. I love the plastic feel of my credit cards. I love holding bags of store bought treasures. Scott hates the bills. I just tell him to get creative and make it work. I try to spend less. I do. But it is just so darn fun.
So we will continue to feud over piles and spending. It has been this way our whole Roderick lives.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Hope: "Want to see something funny?"
Shae: "Yeah."
Hope: "Okay, let me find a picture of you."
Those Roderick girls.
Adam left today and it was bitter sweet. We had a great time having him around, at home and at church, but I know he was ready to get back home to Michigan. He has a brand new job in ministry waiting for him, as well as a wedding to plan for in the spring.
Hopefully and prayerfully, he gained a whole bunch of knowledge from our Student Ministries Team this summer. I know we appreciated all of his hard work running a plethora of programs. I know he got punked a few times and I know he punked some of us now and again. Memories made that he will take back with him to the midwest.
Come back and stay with us anytime Adam, and maybe you can teach me how to star tip.
Ours is a home where anything can happen and usually does.
Hope just ran out the door to go to a friends house armed with a small item that makes offensive noises by remote control. The release of natural gas noises. Loud noises. She plans to plant the device under her car seat and when someone gets in the car, hit the remote and let the fun begin. She was laughing her head off before the prank had even begun. I can't wait to hear the stories when she comes home later.
Stop by the Roderick's any time. We'll make it worth your while.
Choose your battles wisely is a worn out cliche' but is worth mentioning now and again. Battles are not always meant to be won. I have grown by battles fought, both won and lost. For me, it was the strategy used, the tactics deployed and the elements practiced. My character was strengthened by the battle simply being fought.
Seriously. I could not be more excited. Phyl and I are doing a MOPS training session tonight and I can not wait. I'm as giddy as a school girl.
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) holds a tender spot in my heart. It met me where I was and brought me up in the art of leadership. I made my very dearest friends at MOPS. We struggled, laughed, prayed, lamented, loved and simply did life together. MOPS brought me through difficult times in Oregon as well as some here in SoCal and I will forever be grateful to those moms and their sweet babies. So now it is time for me to give back with a happy heart.
Tonight we are going to introduce this new crop of leaders to "MOPS done by p&c". This should be a night to remember.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I am a church laugher. I admit it. My kids are too. It must be a Roderick thing.
You know what I'm blogging about. It's those moments in church that something just strikes you funny and you can not stop laughing. You are so tickled that pecular noises emmit from your nose, mouth, whatever. No matter how hard you try, you can not squelch the need to belly laugh.
I have been known to run out on many a preacher because I had to laugh. I have had to take giggling girls out of the pew and head for the exit. I have shaken many a seat with my concealed guffawing. I have tried to hide the snickers only to be discovered by a stern stare from the people down the row.
Don't judge me. I enjoy a good laugh no matter where it is.
The summer of 2011 is coming to an end. Adam, our summer house guest, leaves in the morning, Hope starts school in 2 weeks and Shae goes back up to Oregon in a month. Kelsey came and went. New Jersey guys came and went. Mom, dad, RJ and Olivia came and went. It is going to be quiet around here.
Although, I will make myself busy in the coming weeks. Over the summer I have neglected the necessary cleaning of the home. I would much rather be enjoying special time with friends and family. But I now have run into reality and must face it head on. So beware dust bunnies, look out messy spaces, run for cover bugs of all kinds. I'm back. And I won't be alone.
After all, we are Roderick's.
When I was a kid growing up on the East Coast summer evenings were long and lazy. We used to stay out way past dark playing while all of our parents sat in lawn chairs "visiting" with one another. Some of my fondest memories are those hot, humid nights full of laughter, joy and a whole lot of mischief.
My friends and I would find lots of trouble to get into on those "in the dark" evenings. For instance, we would tie a long piece of fishing line across the street anchoring the ends on light poles. We would secure a bra in the center of the line and when cars would drive down the neighborhood street the said item of clothing would appear to be floating in mid air. We, of course, would be hiding in the bushes watching the whole scene play out. It was so fun to watch people stop get out of their cars, survey the situation and then drive through the floating bra. Then we would rapidly set the whole thing up again watching our prank over and over.
I hope our girls have memories of their childhoods that they will some day blog about.


The pictures beg the question "Why in the world don't the Roderick's do this more often".
Following our fabulous day at sea we were all famished and decided on a quaint dinner in Little Italy found in the heart of San Diego. Cherylynn was feeling a little under the weather and Don hailed a bicylcle cab for her. The other Don and I decided to go with her and we told the guy to take us to the best restaurant that he knew. We piled in and off we went.
There is no kind way to say this. Our bicylcle guy was stinky. Really stinky. It was like he hadn't showered in weeks. Don was behind him and took a direct hit. All he could do was hold his nose and power through it. Cherylynn and I took the back splash and were gasping for air. We tried to talk but it was just not going to happen. It was all we could do not to pass out.
Mercifully, by the grace of God, we arrived at the restaurant of choice and we scrambled out of the cart and threw him our tips. We didn't even wait to see if the eating establishment had room for us.
Next time we drop Cherylynn off in our car.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Scott had terrible gas pains and the rapid fire explosions released from his backside were near nuclear powered. The sounds were reverberating off the bedroom walls. I put our little fan on to blow the aroma away from my side of the bed. I couldn't take it. He was in pain to be sure and I did feel bad for him. But truly, there wasn't a thing I could do.
He's groaning and moaning and saying things like "oh my, oh my it smells so bad". To which I reply "Point it in the other direction. It's awful, please do something". At this point he is in some kind yoga pose for releasing "natural" gas. I am thrown into a frenzy of laughter, slamming my hand against the headboard. You can not imagine the peppered conversation we were having. It was hilarious.
Then we realized our bedroom windows were wide open. Hmm. What were the neighbors hearing. Oh my!
Once again, Roderick's.
I love celebrating birthdays with my bff's and today was a dandy event. Holly and Kim were the center of attention for all of us as we enjoyed tea in San Juan Capistrano. The atmosphere was cozy, the tea was hot and the little sandwiches were yummy. But the company kept was indiscribable, in the best sense of the word.
These girls, because we are all girls at heart, touch my soul in some manner each and every day. And they touch it as no other friends can. Whether chatting on facebook, walking downtown, planning a church meeting, enjoying dinner together with our families, praying for each of them just before nodding off or stopping by, they are my link to reality. Life is sometimes just so challenging and tiresome. My bff's love me for who I am, who I have been and who I may become. They are simply there for me.
So if I were a drinker I would toast them all. Anne Marie, Chantelle, (Cherylynn, not at tea but not forgotten), Donna, Holly, Kim, (Monique, not at tea but not forgotten), Phyllis and Sue.
You all share a piece of me . . . xoxo
All the girls loved being thrown up in the air by their dad. There was a direct corralation between how high and how much giggling was enjoyed. Sometimes there were twists to the father-daughter game.
Kelsey was about 14 months old when Scott would chase her around, grab her and pitch her into the big soft chair in our family room. She LOVED it. He always quit before she would tire of this game. Except once.
Scott pitched her in the chair and she displayed a wince across her face as she slid out onto the floor. She got up and started to run. She ran with a limp. This was not normal. No crying. Just a limp for about 6 steps and then it was game on again. Scott said "I was worried there for a minute. I thought I broke our baby and you were gonna be so unhappy."
Honey, you are so fortunate she was not broke. I would have been very put out.
Coffee is best savored first thing in the morning without cleansing the mouth. Morning breath brings out the bold flavors of the brewed delight. Never, and I say this from experience, never have a cup of coffee directly after brushing your teeth.
I threw up a little bit in my mouth after trying this.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Back in Oregon we took the girls river rafting with the Randolph side of the family. We had access to a raft, pumped it up and put in on the Rogue River. It was a beautiful evening and we floated effortlessly down the lazy rapids sharing stories and enjoying each others company.
We hit a hole and the front of the raft pitched forward and then spiked upward as the back sunk into the divot. This normally would not be a problem. However, some of us were Roderick's and as you well know nothing goes as planned when we are involved.
Kelsey was perched at the front, as was her usual spot, slurping an orange soda. The rest of us were scattered within the raft. Now, this particular evening the raft deflated a bit when it hit the cold water. So when we hit the hole the raft folded over on itself as we rode through the churning rapid.
Before the raft could right itself, Kelsey had slipped backwards into it. She was still holding her soda which was now pouring all over her face. Her arms and legs were flailing and I was frozen in time. Not by fear but by laughing so hard I couldn't help her. It was so funny. I can not communicate how extrordinarily funny. Once again, I am not in the running to be nominated for Mother of the Year. Fortunately, her father was there to save her from the peril that was upon her.
Kelsey, in the right light, still has an orange glow about her.
I know many of you find this hard to believe but Shae is known to be the quiet, shy Roderick. Yep. True story.
We had just moved to HB and Shae was lamenting about leaving her friends in Oregon. We went to church one morning and she came home talking about a new friend she had made named Willie. All week long she kept talking about Willie. She really made a connection with this little girl and I thought I should speak with Willie's mom and see if we could set up a play date.
Into church Shae and I went and sure enough there was Willie with her mom. I introduced myself and told the mom how excited Shae was about meeting Willie and how we should set up a date for the girls to hang out. She looked at me and said very kindly "you mean Lillie." Hmm.
Did I mention Shae had trouble with "L's"?
The Roderick Wegacy continues.
Tell one person everyday that you appreciate them. A hand written note, facebook post, email, face to face, phone call, etc. It will not only make their day but it will make you feel great knowing you did something to brighten anothers life. Try it!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Just made an appointment for tomorrow at the Apple Store. This could go either way. I could easily learn everything there is to know about my laptop or they tell me it's hopeless and buy a new one. I really don't want a new one. I love this little one I have.
Here's the thing. I tried to download Handbrake so I can rip segments off of our home videos and I failed miserably. I hope I didn't do anything catastrophic.
So it's Apple tomorrow and maybe some more memory and iLife software. I sound like I know what I'm talking about. Seriously, no clue.
Lord have mercy, make it a good visit.
There is nothing quite like a clean car to start your day. Even if it is your kid's car. And believe me, my kid's car needed to be washed, waxed and vacuumed.
Now on with a Roderick day.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
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