Thursday, August 11, 2011


Back in Oregon we took the girls river rafting with the Randolph side of the family. We had access to a raft, pumped it up and put in on the Rogue River. It was a beautiful evening and we floated effortlessly down the lazy rapids sharing stories and enjoying each others company.

We hit a hole and the front of the raft pitched forward and then spiked upward as the back sunk into the divot. This normally would not be a problem. However, some of us were Roderick's and as you well know nothing goes as planned when we are involved.

Kelsey was perched at the front, as was her usual spot, slurping an orange soda. The rest of us were scattered within the raft. Now, this particular evening the raft deflated a bit when it hit the cold water. So when we hit the hole the raft folded over on itself as we rode through the churning rapid.

Before the raft could right itself, Kelsey had slipped backwards into it. She was still holding her soda which was now pouring all over her face. Her arms and legs were flailing and I was frozen in time. Not by fear but by laughing so hard I couldn't help her. It was so funny. I can not communicate how extrordinarily funny. Once again, I am not in the running to be nominated for Mother of the Year. Fortunately, her father was there to save her from the peril that was upon her.

Kelsey, in the right light, still has an orange glow about her.

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