Thursday, August 18, 2011


I love it when the girls babysit at our house. I learn so much about people. For instance, some quotes from today's kids:

"Mom shot the bunny on my face once"
"I have slide button pants"
"I have to go to the bathroom right now"
"My cat never scratches me"
"You never hold our cat"
"Hey quit licking your hands and wiping them on me"
"He annoys me so much that I lock myself in the bathroom"
"Mom and Dad never do anything"
"He picks his nose and chases me with it"
"Hopie Wan Kanopi"
"Let's pick tomatos"
"Let's build a fort"
"Let's watch a movie"
"Let's go to the park"
"Let's put a puzzle together"
"Let's color"
"Let's wash the car"

This Roderick is tired just remembering some of the quotes.

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