Thursday, September 22, 2011


People fascinate me. For instance there were several people of interest on our recent trip up the I-5 to Eugene, Oregon.

One gentleman was sitting on the shoulder of the 5 with his thumb up in the air hitch hiking. Cars were racing past by with nary a glance at him and certainly no stopping and picking up. Scary.

I spied another guy in Target with clothes that were so filthy they rivaled any street person in Huntington Beach. The significant observation I made was that this man didn't mind. He was shopping and that was just his thing. He didn't appear to be on his way home from some sort of automotive job. Simply dirty, grimey jeans and a tee shirt. Interesting.

And finally we were shopping at Trader Joe's and we observed a spotless lady walk out with a darling skirt and cute little cardigan and the hairiest legs I have ever seen on a woman. I don't want to think about her arm pits. Scott couldn't turn away. He thought maybe it was a guy in drag.

Shae has become such an Oregon girl that she didn't notice one of the characters that caught Scott and my eyes.

Shae honey, remember who you are and where you are from. You are Roderick and we shave our legs.

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