Sunday, March 21, 2010


There is something very special, at any age, about your kids coming in and talking to you while you are in bed. Our girls have done that since they were little. After dates, after bad days, before going out, after shopping just to show what was bought or plain read together. Good times. Cherished times. Memories tucked away in my heart.

It connects us as parents and daughters. It is so good to feel you are invited willingly to be a part of their lives. When Kelsey is home she will come up to our room and just lay on the bed and talk to me (or Scott). Addison will come in and share with me her latest male conquest. Shae will come in and chatter about her newest college acceptance. Hope will come in, snuggle down in the covers and read her book while I read mine. Being warm together and loving each other.

I've heard it said that children don't ever understand how much they are loved until they have children of their own. My heart bursts with that love.

I pray they will introduce their kids to Jesus just like we did ours. I pray that our girls will remember their family time in a cozy bed. I pray that our girls will continue with this Roderick tradition.

Love. A small word for a very big feeling.

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