Saturday, March 6, 2010


Even when they are in SEATTLE far, far away, they still argue and contact me to be the referee. Of course, the dispute is about clothes and lack of funds to purchase said clothes. Or maybe it was about who paid the bill at dinner or who didn't. Could be it was about where they were going and with whom. Hmm, I think it may have been about the weather.

It could even have been a conflict in HB with the other two. A disagreement about whose stuff is on the stairs or who needs to weed their flower bed before the rain. Possibly, room cleanliness came into play as well as bathroom duty. Doggie poo may have entered their conversations as well.

I am so confused. It all gets jumbled in my feeble head.

I hope and pray, much prayer, they are all enjoying a carefree weekend of rain, sisterly love and family bliss.

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