Sunday, March 7, 2010


Today in the Treehouse, I did something unexpected. I stacked about 1/4 of our crates in the back. The rest of the crates were in rows as is normal. We use crates in the Treehouse to sit on, amongst various other suitable benches and chairs.

As the kids arrived, I explained that they could sit on the crates in the rows. This instruction was followed without incident, until our last hour. There's always one child who just doesn't understand the importance of my verbal communication. This child did not hear a word I said. This child headed straight for the stacked crates and climbed up without missing a beat. This child was totally focused on the "wall" of crates. This child got a holler out from me. This child did exactly as I expected. I love this child. No surprise.

By the way, the story today was about Joshua and Jericho and our crate wall kicked it and the Treehouse kids dug it. I had their attention for at least 20 minutes, including a march around the wall. And no, it did not fall down, but it did get the story stuck in their brains.

I adore relaying God's word, I adore making it stick and I adore all of those kids.

I have the best job ever!

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