Thursday, September 10, 2009


Our kids always wanted us to show them a scary movie. I kept saying no, no, no, well maybe . . . and then they wore me down. I said yes . . . but I get to pick the movie.

Now, there are a lot of scary movies out there. I didn't realize so many existed. So I thought if I went back a few years, way back, I may be able to find something suitable. I went back to the 1960's to a little flick called "The Birds". Yeah, I know, Alfred Hitchcock, black and white, how bad can it be?

Well, we watched it as a family. Kelsey, Addison and Shae's comments were "that was dumb" and "that wasn't scary" and "yeah, mom, I was so scared". Hope just stared at me and quietly smiled.

Several days later, all the kids were out front playing and Scott was working in the garage. I was doing something in the house and I hear this horrible commotion going on outside. A murder of crows flew by and they were L.O.U.D.

Scott, being who he is, started screaming "the birds, the birds," and running around with his hands in the air. The 3 older girls looked at him and returned to there game at hand. Hope however, was petrified. She came running in the house with terror in her eyes and a quivering lower lip.

Hope stayed with her momma the rest of the day not venturing outside again.

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