Wednesday, September 9, 2009


We used to say that if we could get Addison through the preschool years without severe injury it would be remarkable. Obviously, she made it and we have many stories to tell. Let me share one with you.

She was about 3 years old and Kelsey had left for school. Scott and I were in our bedroom making up the bed and chatting and we thought Ads was in the family room watching "Lady and the Tramp". Oh no, no, no. She had found Scott's car keys and that devious little mind of hers was tracking on what to do with said keys. She discovered an outlet in the hall that I had neglected to apply a crucial safety device in. Not that any safety device would have discouraged her. Huge error in judgement on my part, especially living with one as notorious as Addison.

Suddenly, we heard a buzz and the power went out in the whole house.

Instantly, we knew it was Addison who had committed some sort of scandalous act. We ran out of the room to see Addi standing in the hall with eyes as big as cupcakes looking straight at us. She was holding the smoldering and melted key in her tight little hand. The outlet was scorched, but miraculously she had apparently been holding onto the rubber handle of the key. She wasn't even singed.

When living with a child like Addison, one's only choice is to believe in the one true God.

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