Saturday, September 5, 2009


When we purchased our house we knew we would have to replace the carpet.  Five years later, we finally did.

Scott and I decided to go out for dinner, something we rarely did when the girls were young. Hope, Shae and Kelsey were out and about and Addison was the only daughter at home.  So she invited her bff's Meghan and Kristin over for an evening of pizza, T.V. and girl talk. 

We bid them a fond farewell and said we'd be back in a couple of hours.  Remember the house rules ladies, and no boys in the building, at all, when Mom and Dad aren't home, ever, never, no exceptions.  I thought these guidelines were understood.  Hmm.

Well our fearless threesome of junior high intellectuals decided to dye Meghan's hair black.  That's right, black.  They proceeded to the girl's bathroom upstairs, with the terrible linoleum floors, and began their chemistry experiment with hair color. 

Things went along smoothly until the door bell rang.  Of course, there were screams of delight and the scurrying took place with vim and vigor.  Meghan grabbed one of my "good" towels, wrapped her head in it and took off down the stairs . . . dripping dye as she ran.  Dripping black dye down on my 6 month old carpet.  Dripping black hair dye on nearly every stair.

We arrived home in the midst of the chaos.  All I could do was look at my carpet and try to figure out where I went wrong with the explanation of the rules.  I've got to remember to mention a new rule . . . no hair dying while we are gone.  Who would have thought that was an important one to reiterate.  I was concerned about boys showing up and I should have been concerned about Clairol making an appearance.

Needless to say I never did get that hair dye out of my carpet and it has since been replaced.  And yes, all our lovely daughters now know that coloring hair is a definite no way when we're not home.  Probably we should let the professionals handle the color, tint and dye from now on girls.  My carpet is only two years old.

Who was at the door?  You got it . . . a boy.

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